Ref # Feature name Release Notes
SFTALL-227 Assigned Inductions Page Filter

A "Connected | Not Connected" filter has been added to the Assigned Induction page (default is both are ticked)

The filter will remove contacts without an active Safety connection to the licensee.

The filter is remembered for the session.

SFTALL-241 Contact Comms Updated from Actions

Any correspondence sent to a contact, as part of onboarding, is now recorded in the contact's Communication accordion.

This includes;

  • Request declined.

  • More Information requested.

  • Provide Update request.

  • Invitation sent.

  • Onboarding approved.

SFTALL-248 Commitment to Safety during onboarding when linked to multiple licensees

If a supplier is already linked to another licensee for Onsite Safety they will be asked to accept the Commitment to Safety the first time that they log in to Onsite Safety as opposed to when they are in Account Update.

SFTALL-263 Onboarding Onsite Workers/Individuals

Improvements have been made to make it easier to induct workers to Onsite Safety.

Role Name Changes and a new role

  1. The existing Platform - Staff/Employee role has been renamed Platform - Staff/Employee/Subcontractor.

  2. The existing Onsite Inspect - Vendor/Subcontractor role has been renamed Onsite Inspect - Vendor/Subcontractor Organisation.

  3. The existing Platform - Vendor/Subcontractor role has been renamed Platform - Vendor/Subcontractor Organisation.

  4. The existing Platform - Associate role has been changed to be auto-accept.

  5. The existing Platform - Accounts role has been renamed Platform - Accounts Enquiries.

  6. The existing Platform - Work Orders role renamed Platform - Work/Purchase Order Enquiries.

  7. A new standard Safety role "Onsite Safety - Onsite Worker/Individual", available to the Safety suite, has been added.

Onboarding Screen Changes

  1. An instruction has been added to the registration process and Contacts page to explain what to do.

  2. Account Registration has been updated with how contacts are presented for setup (ie. the tick boxes).

    1. The contact/role tick boxes appear under two title/label lines:

      1. "Contact's relationship to {user organisation name}:" (eg. "ABC Bricklaying"), and

        1. Staff Member/Subcontractor?
          Tooltip: The person is an employed member of staff or third-party subcontractor for whom you are responsible.

        2. General Enquiries?
          Tooltip: The person can be contacted for general enquiries about your organisation.

        3. Accounts/Finance Enquiries?
          Tooltip: The person can be contacted for accounting/finance enquiries for your organisation.

        4. Work/Purchase Order Enquiries?
          Tooltip: The person can be contacted for work/purchase order enquiries for your organisation.

      2. "Contact's relationship to {licensee name}:" (eg. "Habermas Homes")

        1. Share With {licence name}?
          Tooltip: The person's contact details can be shared.

        2. Safety Portal User?
          Tooltip: The person requires access to the Onsite Safety portal software.

        3. Onsite Worker?
          Tooltip: The person works onsite and will satisfy requested compliance requirements and complete safety inductions.

    2. Notes/rules on the above changes to the contact setup process:

      1. The "Staff Member/Subcontractor?" option is now on/ticked at all times. You cannot untick this. It's basically there for information purposes to show how the licensee is treating the contact (ie. staff/subcontractor of the organisation).

      2. The new option "Share With {licence name}?" option is to allow a contact to be added and shared with the licensee, but not necessarily be a Safety User or Onsite Worker.

      3. The "Onsite Worker?" is the new role added above "Onsite Safety - Onsite Worker/Individual".

      4. If "Onsite Worker?" is ticked, "Safety Portal User?" must be ticked. Note that you can tick "Safety Portal User?" and not be an onsite Worker.

      5. If "Safety Portal User?" is unticked, "Onsite Worker?" is also unticked.

      6. If "Safety Portal User?" OR "Onsite Worker?" is ticked, the "Share With {licence name}?" is automatically ticked.

      7. If "Share With {licence name}?" is unticked at any stage, both "Safety Portal User?" AND "Onsite Worker?" are automatically unticked (ie. if they're not shared, they cannot be a safety/worker contact).

  3. The "Registered Contact?" column header has been renamed "Contact Has Registered?".

Automatic Compliance and Inductions

The new role Onsite Safety - Onsite Worker/Indivual is availale in the Compliance Requirements screen.

You can also assign the role to inductions.

SupplyChain Screen Changes

The "Add Staff" Process has been improved

  1. The Add Staff button is renamed Add Staff/Subcontractor.

  2. The "Staff" accordion on the View Contact page has been renamed "Staff/Subcontractors"

  3. The Dialog has been improved and standardised with the registration changes above.

  4. Individual invitation/registration changes:

    1. When either the "Safety Portal User?" OR "Onsite Worker?" is ticked in the contact invite process now goes via Safety.

      1. A Licensee/Safety branded email is sent to the contacts.

      1. Accepting Roles: At the completion of registration, if the contact is a staff member of an organisation who has an active Safety user role with the licensee, all pending connections for the contact to licensee is auto-accepted (eg. associate, Safety User, Onsite Worker, etc.) - this negates the need for the licensee to manually accept hundreds of individual connection requests that have come from staff of an already-approved supplier.

      2. After they complete registration they are logged immediately into Onsite Safety.

  5. Safety WebUser Onscreen Guidance for Compliance/Inductions

    This applies to all users in the Safety User perspective when using Safety WebUser.

    A. On the Home page, a standard warning banner is displayed at all times when the user has a CTA count >0 for personal/user compliance.
    B. On the Home page, a standard warning banner is displayed at all times when the user has a CTA count >0 for personal/user inductions:

    Note: If both CTAs are >0, both banners are to be displayed.

    The banners can be dismissed, but they will show every time on login.

SFTALL-264 Improved Safety WebUser Responsivenes


SFTALL-270 Update Suggest Connection Process/Email

Updates have been made to the email template sent to an organisation suggesting a connection to make it look more official/important so that they pay attention to it and click through to accept the suggestion.

SFTALL-273 Improvements to connected to Safety email

The default notification template that you're connected to a Licensee for Onsite Safety has been updated giving more information on what the person should do next.

SFTALL-277 Assigned Induction Email

There is a new email notification which is sent to a contact when they are assigned an Induction to complete.

This only applies when there is an active Safety User connection between the contact and the licensee (ie. an initial auto-assigned induction where the connections are not yet accepted does not require this notification to be sent - as the contact is in the initial registration/login process anyway).

SFTALL-282 Onboarding to cater for compliance 'Visible To'

The "Visible To" functionality for compliance item attachments is available in onboarding, as per the WebApps.

This supports making them "visible to all" when compliance items and attachments exist from a prior licensee, and to limit attachments to the current (new licencee).

SFTALL-284 Controlling Compliance Attachment Visibility

A supplier linked to multiple licensees can now control the visibility of their compliance documents.

This allows the supplier to supply differnet documents for each licensee.

SPPLYALL-111 Contacts Visible While Impersonating

When impersonating a supplier the listed contacts under My Team are restricted using the same criteria as Safety WebUser.

  1. An info banner at the top of the My Team page shows an impersonator: "Note: When Impersonating you may not have permission to see all of the contact's team."

  2. When impersonating the My Team "Add Staff" button is disabled, to show them that this is where that action would be performed by the supplier.

SPPLYALL-114 Supplier People to Add Staff

It has been easier for suppliers to add their staff. A staff member of a supplier who has the "Supply User" role and is logging into Supply WebUser can access the "Add Staff" button on the My Team page.

i.e. they do not need to change their Perspective to be in the organisation's perspective.