Ref # Feature name Release Notes
DCMTALL-127 eSign Monitor Filter Doc Types

Previously when using the Document Type filter it displayed all document types. This has been changed so now the filter is restricted to only show Document Types that are setup for eSign.

DCMTALL-128 LANless DMS - Implementation

We now support a LANless DMS configuration.

Adding Applicable Sites to a Document Structure now supports selecting Cloud site types. The page/process has been changed to not capture paths or version history

The adding of documents (all methods - WebUser, Proxy, API, etc.) supports this change and Cloud site type.

  • Only the latest version is stored in the cloud.

  • No version history is kept for the site.

  • Nothing is queued for LAN functions

DCMTALL-151 Ajax Failure Behaviour

An issue with AJAX failures has been fixed

DCMTALL-153 Increase DB Timeout for Document Search

The timeout value has been increased to prevent searches from timing out.

DCMTALL-156 Document Preview to Support Image Formats
  1. The preview action/icon is displayed next to common/supported image format files, the same as we have for PDFs

  2. A previewer will show the document without it needing to be downloaded

DCMTALL-162 Lost Documents Issue

The saving of documents has been made more robust

DCMTALL-163 Improved Visibility of Role Permissions

When permitted roles for a Document Type are listed, if the role does not have View permission for the Doc Structure that the Document Type is in, the role is listed in red text.

DCMTALL-164 Issues with Custom Role Naming

The implementation of custom role names has been completed so now when adding roles you will see the custom name.

DCMTALL-165 Document External API Additions

The DMS API now returns document version history details (including file locations)

DCMTALL-168 New Supported File Types

The following media file types are now supported by the DMS

  1. .dwf

  2. .wav

  3. .mp3

  4. .mp4

  5. .mov

DCMTALL-173 Document File Size Metadata

The DMS can now provide file sizes for documents and their versions to be returned via API.

DCMTALL-176 Prevent Duplicate Doc Type Names

We are now preventing Document Type names from being duplicated across all of a licensee's Document Structures.

DCMTALL-179 DMS Automation to Derive Site

When processing a DMS Automation to add a document to the DMS, we can automatically determine the Project's DMS Site if it is not explicitly defined against the project.

  1. If the project has a site deifned, use that site (ie. what we do now).

  2. if not it now reads the structure site records against the structure that the document type belongs to, for the project's owner licensee.

  3. if there is only one site for the structure, this is used

  4. if there is more than one, and the site to use cannot be determined, then the automation cannot be processed (ie. what we do now)