Feature reference # | Feature name | Release Notes |
Simple Process for Suppliers to Add/Remove Staff | The process for, adding staff has been simplified for business owners registered for Safety.
Enter the new staff member's details. They will then appear in the list. They appear in grey as an invitation has been sent to them to register. When they have supplied their information they will be shown in black. |
Onboarding Request Management | There is new way to "Onboard"suppliers into Onsite Safety. This process gives control to the licensee who can register for Onsite Safety. Click here for more information. NOTE - You need to contact Insula to enable Onboarding in your Onsite Safety Portal. |
Reorder Compliance Types | As compliance types had been added they had been appended to the list of items so they were not in alphabetical sequence. The types are now shown in the correct alphabetical order |
Visibility of Staff Not Registered | Unregistered staff with a pending licensee connection can be seen in the My Team page. |
Nav / Home Page Tile Changes | The Home Page had been simplified to reduce the tiles seen, based on the quadrant user/role, and what CTAs exist for the user at the time.This will simplify what they see and draw attention to what's most important (such as Compliance & Inductions)
Suggest Connection & Common Contacts | Safety WebUser has been updated with the Suggest Connection feature from Platform. |
Compliance Requirements Default Filter | When you go into Compliance Requirements the default option is Selected. |
Register via Invite Only (revised) | A new licensee setting has been added to show/hide the "Register" link on Login pages. This is just a deterrent to not publicise random/unwanted registrations for people that browse to the login page. Direct access to the URL is allowed (ie. if they know the URL), and follows the normal process of invites, etc. if used (ie. it is not functionally any different). |
Incident Notifications | The reporting of incidents has been enhanced. They are no longer sent to Safety System Admins. They are instead sent to members of the one of three new contact roles associated with the severity of the incident being raised (ie. Low, Medium, High). Three new standard Safety roles have been added to the platform:
These roles are allocated to contacts in the normal way in Platform to determine what type of incidents they should be notified of. The "Report Incident" (ie. Add/new) page has been updated to not set/have a default Severity selected (it is currently Low). The user must select the severity, and this is a validation requirement to save/report. |
Commitment to Safety Registration | There is a new option that can be configured at the licensee level called “Commitment to Safety”. When enabled, any contacts that are first registering on the platform via a licensee's URL (e.g. Supply/Safety), they are presented with the Licensees "Commitment to Safety" statement. This statement can be configured outlining what the organisation/person is agreeing to do in relation to Safety on site. When any workers that the organisation has registered logs into Onsite Safety for the first time, they have to accept the Commitment to Safety as well.
Changes to Commitment to Safety setting | When the changes, are made to the Commitment to Safety, for a licensee, all contacts with an Onsite Safety User rolehave their "acceptance" date cleared, prompting them to re-accept when they next log in. |
Commitment to Safety at Login | When a contact logs in a check, on the status of their acceptance of the commitment to safety, against the licensee is made. If it has not been accepted, they are presented with it. The statement must be accepted to log in or change perspective. Declining the acceptance process logs the user out.
This applies to Supplychain and Onsite Safety. |
Induction Completion Date/Time | The completed date of the induction is now available whereever you can see inductions. |
Incident Communications | There was an issue where it was not possible to add communication records to an incident. This issue has been resolved. |