Feature reference # Feature name Release Notes
SPLYWU-1 Supply UI/PDF Improvements

Several improvements have been made to the user interface and PDF downloading.

  1. Filters and criteria on all search screens are remembered within the session.

  2. The download of the PDF Purchase Order file name has been changed to "PurchaseOrder" and the a suffix of the purchase order number/reference .

  3. The browser tab where the PDF is displayed/previewed has the same name as the file.

SPPLYALL-2 Consider Cancelled POs as "New"

When a PO is cancelled, we were simply changing the PO status, but were not bringing the cancellation to the supplier's attention other than a total/summary in their bulletin.

Now when a PO is cancelled, the supplier status is changed to "New" (regardless of what it currently is)

The PO then appears in the New POs page, as if it had not been seen by the supplier, bringing it to their attention

SPPLYALL-3 Supply Chain Platform Bulletin Enhancements

The Supply Chain Bulletin now shows Unread Notifications and Unread News.

SPPLYALL-5 Supply CTAs Not Working

There was an issue where the CTA counts on buttons were not showing the correct figures. This issue has been resolved.

SPPLYALL-7 PO Documents to include LAN Docs

Licensees can share docs with external parties, and not realise that they need to be on the cloud to be accessible via Supply WebUser.

  1. All documents that the user should be able to see (ie. permissions) are shown against POs (ie. both LAN and Cloud docs).

  2. Where a document is LAN only, and not available on the cloud, clicking on the document shows a message:
    "This document has not been shared with the {Licensee Suite Name} cloud and is not accessible. Please contact {Licensee Name} for further assistance."

SPPLYALL-9 SysAdmin to See all Project Documents

Previously in Supply WebUser as a SysAdmin in the Quadrant, some project documents could not be seen.

This issue has been resolved and Supply Sys Admins (i.e. the Sys Admin role is selected in the quadrant) can see all project documents, regardless of document permissions in the DMS.

SPPLYALL-18 Show News on the Dashboard

The home screen for Supply Chain has been restructured and now includes a news feed. It shows any news items added in the previous 2 months.

SPPLYALL-20 POs sent via EDI should be considered "Viewed"

Previously when a PO was successfully sent via EDI to the Vendor, the supplier status of the PO was new. Now it is set to Viewed.

SPPLYALL-27 View Project to Have Supplier Hyperlink

The POs listed on the Project View page have a hyperlink to access the Supplier contact details.